Let's know small hints about the larivex

It is abroad spectrum antibiotic
1-acute sinusitis (الجيوب الأنفية) ..."once daily from 10-14 day"

2- acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis (الرئتين مثل الالتهاب الرئوي)...
"once daily from 7-10 day"

3-complicated &uncomplicated urinary tract infection (الكلى والمسالك البولية )
"250 mg once daily from 7-10 day"

4-chronic bacterial prostatitis (التهاب غدة البروستاتا)
"Once daily for 28 day"

#Active constituent :-
Itis a quinolone antibiotic ...soooooo

1-not used with children under 16 years
*as it chelate calcium in bones & cause discoloration of teeth

2-it is microsomal enzyme inhibitor ...soooo
◆take care with drugs of narrow therapeutic index as

3-It also reduces the absorption of antacids containing "Ca &Mg" &also iron "Fe" ....sooooo
★dose spacing is important

4-It causes increase in blood sugar level "BSL"....sooooo
★dose adjustment is important in case of diabetic patient

*not used for pregnant or lactating women
***not used during driving as it may cause dizziness
