At first lets know the cause of depression
the cause is decreasing in neurotransmitters as NA ,dopamine ,seretonin
The treatment is done by increasing these neurotransmitter by different classes
The 1st line is*SSRI " selective seretonin reuptake inhibitor"
Ex:paroxetin ،sertraline ,cetalopram ,fluxetine
من الآخر الاكتئاب عبارة عن نقص في بعض الناقلات العصبية زي السريتونين والدوبامين والنور ادرينالين وبالتالي العلاج اني هستخدم أدوية بتزود هذه الناقلات العصبية عشان تعوض العجز او التقص البي حصل
Active constituent : (paroxetin) SSRI
Uses :
1-antidepressant "مضاد للاكتئاب "
2-panic disorder "في حالات الجنون"
3-obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) "الوسواس القهري"
*in case of phobia &panic disorder doctor should increase the dose
paroxetin is the 1st line SSRI for ttt depression with low sedation& kow toxicity ,less ♡ problems
Side effects :-
1- increase suicidal behavior so not given under 24 years
★★《black box》..... so the FDA approved drugs for adolescent & pediatrics asantidepressant EX: 《fluxetine &escitalopram 》
2-weight gain ( for paroxetine only )
3-sexual dysfunction but Reversible after 6 months
1-paroxetine is nooot used in pregnancy as it is teratogenic
2-withdrawal should be gradyally to avoid bad withdrawal symptoms "nausea , vomiting, headache , anexity , "
*Drug interaction
1-paroxetine is liver microsomal enzyme inhibitor (LMEI)
Sooo ...shouldn't be given wih potent drugs
■ warfarin to avoid bleeding
■ pimozide "orabfort" ... potent drug
2-methylene blue is used for methemoglobinemia but can make inhibition fot monamineoxidase "MAO" so the seretonin will increase
Paroxetine also increase the seretonin sooo thus lead to
《seretonergic syndrome》••• as hypertention &arrhythmia
the cause is decreasing in neurotransmitters as NA ,dopamine ,seretonin
The treatment is done by increasing these neurotransmitter by different classes
The 1st line is*SSRI " selective seretonin reuptake inhibitor"
Ex:paroxetin ،sertraline ,cetalopram ,fluxetine
من الآخر الاكتئاب عبارة عن نقص في بعض الناقلات العصبية زي السريتونين والدوبامين والنور ادرينالين وبالتالي العلاج اني هستخدم أدوية بتزود هذه الناقلات العصبية عشان تعوض العجز او التقص البي حصل
Active constituent : (paroxetin) SSRI
Uses :
1-antidepressant "مضاد للاكتئاب "
2-panic disorder "في حالات الجنون"
3-obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) "الوسواس القهري"
*in case of phobia &panic disorder doctor should increase the dose
paroxetin is the 1st line SSRI for ttt depression with low sedation& kow toxicity ,less ♡ problems
Side effects :-
1- increase suicidal behavior so not given under 24 years
★★《black box》..... so the FDA approved drugs for adolescent & pediatrics asantidepressant EX: 《fluxetine &escitalopram 》
2-weight gain ( for paroxetine only )
3-sexual dysfunction but Reversible after 6 months
1-paroxetine is nooot used in pregnancy as it is teratogenic
2-withdrawal should be gradyally to avoid bad withdrawal symptoms "nausea , vomiting, headache , anexity , "
*Drug interaction
1-paroxetine is liver microsomal enzyme inhibitor (LMEI)
Sooo ...shouldn't be given wih potent drugs
■ warfarin to avoid bleeding
■ pimozide "orabfort" ... potent drug
2-methylene blue is used for methemoglobinemia but can make inhibition fot monamineoxidase "MAO" so the seretonin will increase
Paroxetine also increase the seretonin sooo thus lead to
《seretonergic syndrome》••• as hypertention &arrhythmia
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