1-active ingredient:-
*triticum Aestivum fiber "wheat bran"powder................200mg"ألياف القمح"
*zingiber officinale"زنجبيل" "ginger"powder..........150 mg
*saccharomyces cerevisiae"brewer's yeast powder 50 mg"خميرة بيرة"
2-dosage &administration:-
-the recommended dose of bio cut is one capsule three times daily .
-30min. Before each main meal with adewuate water "one or 2cups of water.
"ثلاث مرات قبل الأكل بنصف ساعة"
*shouldn't be used with thrombolytic &anticoagulant agents."لا يستخدم في حالة التأثر ومضادات التجلط
*large quantities of bran may temporarily incresed flatulence &distension this may be decreased by using small amount &slowly increasing the amount ingested .
*it may decrease the absorption of iron ,calcium°oxin.
*esophageal or intestinal obstruction may take place if alarge nomber of capsules is ingested without adequate fluid intake .
*not be taken for nursing women.
*if on adequate water intake constipation may occur
posted from Bloggeroid
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