Thrombex DNA gel "recombinant hirudin" "لعلاج الكدمات"

1-Active ingredient
Each 100gm contains 1200 i.u of recombinant hirudin .

Contusions,distortion,muscular tears,traumatic hematomas, edema ,erythema,varicosities, especially those associated with thrombo-embolic complications.

-despense 2-3cm of gel twice or three times daily
"دهان مرتين إلي ثلاث مرات يوميا"
4-mode of action:-
-the hirudin is adirect thrombin inhibitor that act as anticoagulant &for the prevention &treatment of hematomas.

-hirudin binds thrombin in 1:1 ratio blocking the coagulation casade & preventing the transformation of fibrinigen to fibrin.

5- side effects:-
-particularly long term of topical priducts may cause sensitization phenomena.

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