Renal crystals or kidney stones "البلورات الكلويةاو حصوات الكلى"

1-calcium oxalate:-

medical treatment
-xenomag eff contains" magnesium citrate"
-Practical dose:- one sachet to be dissolved in a glassful water after meal
treatment of any associated pathogenesis
behavioral treatment
-تجنب الاكلات التي تحتوي على أملاح الاوكسالات
"السبانخ- البطاطا - البنجر - الطماطم - فول الصويا - الشيكولاتة - الرواند - المانجو - الفراولة - التوت "
-تناول الكثير من المياه"مالا يقل عن 12 كوب ماء"
2-amorphous urate:-
medical treatment
-Urosolvin eff. Contains"cholchicin + piperazine "
-Practical dose:-one sachet to be dissolved in aglassful water after meals...
كيس يذاب في نصف كوب ماء ثلاث مرات يوميا بعد الأكل
- zyloric 300 mg tab contains"alloperinol"
Practical dose :- one tablet after meal....قرص يوميا بعد الوجبة الأساسية
treatment of any pathogenesis
behavioral treatment
-تجنب تناول البروتين الحيواني "اللحوم - البيض - اللبن"
-تجنب تناول البروتين النباتي "البقوليات مثل ىلفول - البازلاء - الفاصولياء - الحمص - العدس - الترمس"
-تجنب تناول الفطريات مثل "عيش الغراب - الخميرة "
-تجنب تناول الكحول
-تناول الكثير من المياه" ما لا يقل عن 12 كوب ماء"

-uric acid
-This type of kidney stone is more common in men than in women.
"هذا النوع من الحصوات منتشر في الرجال عنه في النساء "
- They can occur in people with gout or those going through chemotherapy.
"قد يحدث هذا النوع بشكل اكثر لمصابي النقرس واولئك الذين يتناولون العلاج الكيميائي.
- This type of stone develops when urine is too acidic.
-A diet rich in purines can increase urine’s acidic level.
-Purine is a colorless substance in animal proteins, such as fish, shellfish, and meats.

3-struvite magnesium -ammonium - phosphate "tripple phosphate"
**medical treatment
-treatment of pre disposing factors:-
●it is always presents in medium of infected "urea - splitting bacteria" alkaline urine
-vitacid c eff contains " l-ascorbic acid"
-Practical dose :-one tablet to be dissolveg in aglassful water 3 times daily....
"قرص يذاب في نصف كوب ماء ثلاث مرات يوميا" acidify urine
-ciprofar 500 mg cap contains"ciprofloxacin"
-Practical dose :-one tablet twice daily......"قرص مرتين يوميا: treat the infection

-This type of stone is found mostly in women with urinary tract infections.
-These stones can be large and cause urinary obstruction.
-These stones are caused by a kidney infection.
-Treating an underlying infection can prevent the development of struvite stones.

4- Cystine
-Cystine stones are rare.
-They occur in both men and women who have the genetic disorder cystinuria.
-With this type of stone, cystine — an acid that occurs naturally in the body — leaks from the kidneys into the urine
السيستين هو حمض يصنع طبيعيا داخل الجسم ولكن في هذا النوع من الحصوات بحدث تسرب لهذا الحمض في البول ....يصيب غالبا من لديهم خلل جيني اي ان هذا النوع من الحصوات نادرة الحدوث.

★★Testing for and Diagnosing Kidney Stones:-

-Diagnosis of kidney stones requires a complete health history assessment and a physical exam. Other tests include:

*blood tests for calcium, phosphorus, uric acid, and electrolytes
*blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine to assess kidney functioning
urinalysis to check for crystals, bacteria, blood, and white cells
examination of passed stones to determine type
The following tests can rule out obstruction:

*abdominal X-rays
*intravenous pyelogram (IVP)
*retrograde pyelogram
*ultrasound of the kidney (this is the preferred study)
*MRI of the abdomen and kidneys
*abdominal CT scan

★★Kidney Stone Prevention"كيف نتجنب حدوث حصوات الكلى؟؟؟"
-Proper hydration is a key preventive measure.
- Johns Hopkins Medicine recommends drinking up to 12 glasses of water daily.
-Drinking more fluids increases the amount of urine you pass, which helps flush the kidneys.
-The Mayo Clinic recommends passing 2.5 liters of urine a day.
-You can substitute some glasses of water with ginger ale, lemon-lime soda, and fruit juice.

-Eating oxalate-rich foods in moderation and reducing your intake of salt and animal proteins can also lower your risk of kidney stones.
