1-reliever to stop bleeding
*pinching the nose
*anterior nasal packing using veslinated gause /gel foam gause
*epinephrin ..."if not contraindicated"
-epinphrine amp
-practical dose:-
Apiece of cotton is soaked in an ampule of epinphrine , inserted in the nostril.
#to stabilize capillary wall
-dicynone amp contains.."ethamsylate"
#antiplasmin agent
-kapron amp contains.."tranexamic acid"
-phytomenadione "vit.k" is not suitable urgent coagulant because of its late action.
*treatment of the cause ...if possible
-vascular treatment ...to improve vascularity
☆daflon tab..contains "diosmin"
3times daily...ثلاث مرات يوميا
☆ruta c..contains "rutin"
3times daily...ثلاث مرات يوميا
-non surgical
☆cautery...chemical silver nitrate
... elctro cautery
...cryo cautery
posted from Bloggeroid
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