What do you know about ural effervescent??"ماذا تعرف عن يورال فوار"

-each 5gm contains:-
# 90mg ascorbic acid "vitamin c"
#200mg vaccinium oxycoccus fruit fresh extract
(Cranberry 25:1)dry cons.(25:1 in 70%e:w)
(Standard as proanthocyanidins)

1-dietary supplement...."مكمل غذائي"
2-support urinary tract and bladder health......"يدعم صحة الجهاز البولي والمثانة"
-dissolve the content of one sachet in half glass of water twice daily or as directed by physician .
"يذاب محتوى الكيس في نصف كوب ماء ويؤخذ مرتين يوميا"

1-to be used under medical supervision.. ..... "يؤخذ تحت إشراف طبي"
2-avoid overdose &prolonged use , liver damage is possible with administration of the drug over extended periods.
"استخدام يورال فوار على مدى طويل او بجرعات عالية يؤثر على كفاءة الكبد"
3-keep out of reach of children.

posted from Bloggeroid
