Warts&corns"عين السمكة أو السنط"

What is the warts?????

-Warts are benign (not cancerous) skin growths that appear when a virus infects the top layer of the skin.
-Viruses that cause warts are called human papillomavirus (HPV).
-You are more likely to get one of these viruses if you cut or damage your skin in some way.

-Wart viruses are contagious.
-Warts can spread by contact with the wart or something that touched the wart.

-Warts are often skin-colored and feel rough, but they can be dark (brown or gray-black), flat, and smooth.

chemical cautery....الكي بإستخدام مس موضعي
Ex:-collomack paint

steps of chemical cautery
1-لو موجود على القدم أو اليد تنفع في مياه دافئة لمدة ربع ساعة قبل وضع المس.
2-دهان فازلين طبي على الجلد المحيط بالسنط لحمايته من الإلتهاب.
3-يوضع المس على السنط مرة واحدة يوميا مع لفه بالبلاستر.
4-تكرر العملية حتى يسقط أو يتحسن السنط تماما.
"يفضل كحت عين السمكة قبل وضع المس المرة التالية لإزالة النسيج الميت.
التحسن بيبدأيظهر بعد 2-3 أسابيع.
الكي بالعلاج الموضعي فعال جدا لكنه يعتمد على إلتزام المريض بالعلاج
يمكن إضافة علاج لتقوية المناعة ضد الفيروس المسبب للسنط خصوصا عند وجود أكتر من واحدة .
Ex:-immulan caps
"كبسولة صباحا ومساء لمدة شهر"
*Poor peripheral circulation
*face wart"avoid scarring"
حالات الوجه تتحول لأخصائي على طول

-Not all warts need to be treated.
-They generally go away on their own within months or years.
-This may be because, with time, your immune system is able to destroy the human papillomavirus that causes warts.

*You may decide to treat a wart if it is:

-Easily irritated.
-Growing or spreading to other parts of your body or to other people.
-The goal of wart treatment is to destroy or remove the wart without creating scar tissue, which can be more painful than the wart itself.
- How a wart is treated depends on the type of wart, its location, and its symptoms.
Also important is your willingness to follow a course of treatment that can last for weeks or months.

-Wart treatment isn't always successful.
- Even after a wart shrinks or disappears,
-warts may return or spread to other parts of the body.
-This is because most treatments only destroy the wart and don't kill the virus that causes the wart.

Warts: Should I Treat Warts?

-Many people don't treat warts unless they are unsightly or painful.
-You can treat warts yourself with:

*Salicylic acid.
*Duct tape (tape occlusion).
-If your child has a wart, treatment probably isn't needed. That's because warts often go away on their own.
- if the wart is on your child's face or genitals or is painful or spreading, your child should see a doctor for treatment. Otherwise, it is usually safe to treat a wart at home with duct tape or salicylic acid.
- If the wart doesn't start to improve within 2 weeks, see your doctor.

-If you have diabetes or peripheral arterial disease, talk to your doctor before you try home treatment for warts.

**Your doctor can treat warts with:

1-Cryotherapy. For more information, see Other Treatment.
2-Medicines, such as retinoid cream, cantharidin, or imiquimod.
3-Surgery, such as electrosurgery and curettage and laser surgery.
Chemical peels with glycolic acid, tretinoin, or a stronger formula of salicylic acid.
