Cardio-vascular complications.. مشاكل الأوعية الدموية كمضاعفات مزمنة لمرض السكر

"مشاكل وأمراض القلب من المضاعفات الشائعة في معظم مرضى السكر خصوصا كبار السن بسبب زيادة ترسب الدهون وضيق الأوعية الدموية"
*prophylaxis &treatment.. الوقاية والعلاج
1-anti-platelets... مضادات التجلط
"أي مريض سكر أكبر من 40 سنة يفضل يمشي على دواء لزيادة سيولة الدم لمنع حدوث جلطات في القلب او المخ نتيجة لضيق الأوعية الدموية ماعداااااا مريض الضغط"
a-aspocid 75 mg or ezacard 75 mg
Contain "aspirin 75 mg"
1-2قرص يوميا بعد الفطار يوميا
*major contraindications of aspirin.. موانع استخدام الأسبرين
☆peptic ulcer... قرحة المعدة
☆bronchial asthma.. حساسية الصدر
☆chronic kidney disease... مريض الكلى والنقرس

b-plavix or clopex tab
-Contain "clopidogrel"
-قرص بعد الفطار يوميا
-الأحسن لكنه غالي بنلجأله إذا كان الأسبرين لا يمكن استخدامه

"اي مريض سكر من كبار السن لازم يمشي على مخفضات الدهون في الدم حتى لو الدهون طلعت طبيعية في التحليل مع زيادة الجرعة إذا كانت الدهون عالية
Ex:-ator 10mg, 20mg, 40mg tab
-Contain "atrovastatin"
-نبدأ بقصر 10مجم بعد العشاء يوميا
-اذا كانت الدهون عالية نبدأ ب10مجم ونزود الجرعة تدريجيا حتى تتحسن النتائج

#Medical background about the relation between D.M and cardiovascular diseases :-

*Diabetes and Specific CVD

Atherosclerotic CHD

-Both type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes are independent risk factors for CHD.
-Moreover, myocardial ischemia due to coronary atherosclerosis commonly occurs without symptoms in patients with diabetes.
- As a result, multivessel atherosclerosis often is present before ischemic symptoms occur and before treatment is instituted.
-A delayed recognition of various forms of CHD undoubtedly worsens the prognosis for survival for many diabetic patients.

**Diabetic Cardiomyopathy

-One reason for the poor prognosis in patients with both diabetes and ischemic heart disease seems to be an enhanced myocardial dysfunction leading to accelerated heart failure
(diabetic cardiomyopathy).
- Thus, patients with diabetes are unusually prone to congestive heart failure.
-Several factors probably underlie diabetic cardiomyopathy: severe coronary atherosclerosis, prolonged hypertension, chronic hyperglycemia, microvascular disease, glycosylation of myocardial proteins, and autonomic neuropathy. Improved glycemic control, better control of hypertension, and prevention of atherosclerosis with cholesterol-lowering therapy may prevent or mitigate diabetic cardiomyopathy.
-An early clinical trial suggested that sulfonyl ureas used for control of hyperglycemia are cardiotoxic and may exacerbate diabetic cardiomyopathy. This side effect, however, was not confirmed in a recent large clinical trial.


-Mortality from stroke is increased almost 3-fold when patients with diabetes are matched to those without diabetes.
-The most common site of cerebrovascular disease in patients with diabetes is occlusion of small paramedial penetrating arteries.
-Diabetes also increases the likelihood of severe carotid atherosclerosis.
- Patients with diabetes, moreover, are likely to suffer irreversible brain damage with carotid emboli that otherwise would produce only transient ischemic attacks in persons without diabetes. Approximately 13% of patients with diabetes >65 years old have had a stroke.

posted from Bloggeroid
