
What is the marevan ??????

Yostiretic tablets

Ultrasolv syrup &tablets

Let's know small hints about the larivex

Why seroxate used in treatment of depression ???

Iron deficiency anemia "أنيميا نقص الحديد"

Erysipela&cellulitis "الحمرة أو التهاب الجلد"

"Gingivitis" التهاب اللثة

Tinea versicolor "التينيا الملونة"

Trypsin & chemotrypsin

#important hint#



#ACE inhibitors#

#angiotensin convertinv enzyme "ACE"#


#evolution of hypertention#

#Life style#

#hypertention control#

#hypertention complication#

#Hypertention symptoms#

#blood pressure classification#

#the silent killer#



